Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I'd respect you more if you sucked D for a living..

 We interrupt your regularly scheduled reading to bring you a public service announcement.

It's called 'assistance' for a reason, bitch. It isn't there so that twats without common sense to keep their legs close can live off it for years on end. You post on Facebook every five fuckin minutes about how you're a hard working momma trying to take care of your kids, busting your balls because the dude who you decided to reproduce with ain't payin enough in child support...Bitch, get off Facebook and troll fuckin Craigslist for a little thing normal folks like to call EMPLOYMENT. McDonald's is beneath you? Bitch, please. The only thing that's even been beneath you, gave you a serious case of crabs and left his sperm oozin out praying nothing would stick inside the encrusted depths of your uterus.

You need a damn reality check. Seriously, you can't go work the 3rd shift at WalMart, but you can spend the night up grabbing your ankles and bending it over for every random homie you've met at the corner store. Shit, start charging those saggy balls. At least then we could say you're really are busting your ass for a paycheck...or maybe eatin it would be more appropriate?

You proudly admit that you're on Food Stamps and Section 8 housing assistance? Your momma should've raised you to have a little pride in yourself and your life, and I don't mean the kinda pride that gives you no qualms about posting half naked pictures on Facebook cause you think every dude wants to see your stretch marks and fake tan...I'm talking the kinda pride which causes you to wake up each day before noon and take care of your kids, then go to work so you can bring home a paycheck to pay your bills with each month.

How the hell are you gonna pull a Food Stamp card out of that pretty little Coach bag? Darlin' truth is you are the classic definition of a poser. Don't get it twisted, I truly believe that you should utilize the assistance available if you're in need and for a moment in life, but bitch when your laundry list of assistance includes close to, if not everything, that the government offers and you've been on that shit for fucking're a lazy twattler.

Thank you for your attention, please return to your regularly scheduled dicklickin activities.

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