Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Secret (or not so secret) Thoughts From One Couponer to Another...

Just thinking aloud...

Seriously, who in hades needs 500 bottles of vitamins or aspirin? Are you so unhealthy that you feel the need to overdose on vitamin A, B, C, D, E, and every other letter of the vitamin alphabet before they expire? Do you get multiple headaches each day and think that "free" aspirin is gonna cure it? I have a solution, eat healthier and buy 4 bottles of vitamins, buy a better headache medicine or quit stressing so much about how organized your stock pile is and enjoy a little sunshine.

There is no reason for a person to have 150 deodorants or shampoos! You are either the stinkiest person alive, or think you're going to live to be 100 years old. Seriously, leave a few Lady Speedstick for the rest of us, or I have an even better idea, buy 150 of them and just give me 2 to last me 6 months...thanks!!! In regards to the shampoo, I can count on 2 fingers the number of bottles of shampoo I have completely emptied in 2 years, do you really need to have 75 year supply of shampoo or should we just submit your name to the Hoarders program??

Now let's address those of you with 1200 packages of diapers and yet no kiddie bottoms to put those diapers on. Unless you are planning on multiplying like little cuddly bunnies who's only purpose in life is to reproduce and poop out some Cabury Eggs once a year, there is really no need to stock pile them, instead donate them to a battered woman's shelter or a pregnancy center.
And unless you're the momma of all those babies that use up 1200 packages of diapers, what is the point in having 900 cans of energy drinks? Just sayin...

Yes, I bow down to those of you who can stock pile, although you may be viewed as a bit of a hoarder I'm sure you have your reasons for purchasing and storing so many items. Perhaps when the Zombie Apocalypse happens, you can throw a few hundred panty liners or incontinence briefs at them so they aren't stinking up the street, as you sit in your house nursing wounds with free bandaids and thermacare pads while eating meals that consist of 400 cans of tuna and pita chips.

I don't stock pile, it's a personal choice and I do see the benefits that stock piling has for others who do...but for the sake of fellow coupon users please leave some for others. Reasoning that you left 2 items on a shelf isn't enough, what gives you the right to walk out with 20 items and leave 2 items for the next person? Be reasonable. Purchasing items for your family to make it through the next 6 months is great! Purchasing for your family to make it through the next 10 years is extreme and causes others to miss out...and don't give me the "Well if I buy all mine now, when the next sale comes there will be plenty for them." line, what if they need it now? And if that next sale is around the corner in a few weeks or a couple months, than you should be able to wait too...I'm pretty sure you'll survive with only 10 bags of Doritos for the next month till they go on sale again.


  1. Bravo.........can't tell ya how many times I have been to the store to find a shelf empty, and it is frustrating !!! I also do not stockpile, the most I have right now is 3 toothpastes and 4 deodorant for my son........so good on you for this blog.....I would like to see something left for others.......

    1. I think stocking up on useful items is a great method! Amount such as you're stating are reasonable and differ depending on a person's family size obviously.
      Thank you for reading, I'm glad you enjoyed it and come back in the future for more!

  2. i agree some what, i stockpile, but once a month i donate to the womens shelter, and i have donated over 1,000 pounds od food to the local food bank this year, i help out my friends and family, i send boxes of food and personal hygenie products to my boyfriends son and his roommates at college .

    1. Donating is absolutely honorable, I'm not condemning anyone for doing so, my point is rather leave some items for others as well, because they may be in as much need as those donation centers.
      I am proud of you for helping others and donating to centers in need! That shows great integrity and kindness.

  3. I do not agree! I feel if I or anyone else chooses to buy 20 bottles of Laundry soap it is nobody business but my own. Hell yes I have the right to buy it! Just like you have the right to buy 2. If you chose to coupon you have to get to the stores early. Why hate on someone else because they got there first? If I was doing something wrong then it is the stores place to refuse to sell it to me. Which they don't! So I will continue to clear a shelf if I choose to! My husband was out of work for about 6 months and it was very hard for us to get by. I will never let that happen again. So whether he is out of work or whether the zombies attack I am ready! Good luck with your 2 deodorants. I will be smelling good with my 10! :)

    1. Dear Anonymous,
      Thank you for your opinion and thoughts on my post, I really appreciate hearing both the positive and negative feedback. While you're discussing the use of stockpiling 20 detergents or 10 deodorants I was discussing a more extreme variation, perhaps that point was lost during your haste to read and respond. That's okay, I understand and would be hasty myself if I felt like someone was judging me inappropriately.
      I am not "hating" on anyone, I think the irony and comical aspects were lost on you as well unfortunately.
      Beside, I encourage you to stock pile detergent for the impending Zombie Apocalypse, so that you can make a chemical bomb and deter them from your scent as you escape from the grasp of their brain eating decaying fingertips.

    2. I agree! My mom & I buy at least 10 of everything we can with our coupons,either free or cheap & we do it legitimately. I can't count how many times we have supplied other families we know who are/were in need. We get up at the butt crack of dawn to assure we get the amount we are there to purchase. Now I have seen crazy women out there clearing shelves for no reason other than to do it. Not to mention if you think about it, if 10 customers go in & each buy 2 of one item,that could clear a shelf fairly quickly too. Stores should stock up more now that couponing is to such an extreme these days. I could go on forever. Everyone has their own views & opions though. Let me just say this though, I don't know anyone who has only used 2 bottles of shampoo or deodorant in 2 years!

    3. Dear Anonymous #2,

      One of the benefits of using coupons is the ability to stock up and help others, so I think it's great that you use it to help your family and friends! Again as I mentioned previously these figures are exaggerated intentionally and made to be comical rather than literal, anyone who's seen Extreme Couponing or Hoarders has seen the people with 3000 rolls of toilet paper and yet they are still buying more, it's more about the irony of the situation rather than the literal application.
      Also, I did not say I only use 2 deodorants in 2 years that's gross, I stated 2 deodorants in 6 mnths. And yes I only empty 2 bottles of shampoo in 2 years, reason for that is that I use a "shampoo free" all natural method by making my own to remove any build up and impurities that leave your hair flat or frizzy caused by traditional shampoo and conditioner and water conditions. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and view point, I wrote mine in a comical manner to make it humorous and have found that out of the 900+ views of this one blog posting only 2 have had a negative review.

    4. Very well said I do stock up slightly but them I dont buy for a few months, I help my kids (grown) with the deodorants, body wash, razors ,shampoos,laundry soap, and thy shop from my pantry, But I feel the same way greed is horrible and the people out there who hoard and the most greedy and selfish people in the world. There is no more taking care of the neighbor it is unfortunately this world has come to the every man for himself. What a shame what they teaching their children. Being frugal and saving money is fantastic I love couponing. But I also love to spread the wealth...and leave some for others...

  4. This Rocks! So, so true.

    1. I'm glad that you enjoyed reading it! Come back soon for more random thoughts!

    2. Jessica Bennett HolmesAugust 1, 2012 at 12:36 AM

      Way to go jenna this is so true and frustrating I will never understand why people think its ok to do this just get enough to hold you to the next sale if you want stockpile that's my opinion

    3. Jessica,
      Thank you for your comment!
      I see the value in stocking up on certain items, I have a family of 4 and there are certain items that I know we go through often such as cereal or deli meat, so when I shop I know that I should probably stock up on 4-6 boxes of cereal but that will last us 2-3 months and deli meat once a mnth consists of 2-3lbs for lunches and other recipes.
      It's all about making your "stock pile" sufficient for your family's needs, and obviously those with larger families should definitely expect to have a much larger stock pile of items than those with just a few family members.

  5. I do not stockpile and find it very frustrating when there is a really good deal and you have to go to ten stores to get the deal because some one has hit up all the stores and taken it all. When there is a really good deal for example CVS had stayfree pads for free. I order but my daughter is the only one who needs them so I take them to the womens shelter. It is the right thing to do. I think it is important to help others. I refuse to clear a shelf. Order if you know you are going to get alot. The stores hate it when people clear shelves. Be fair.

    1. Jennifer,

      You have a great point! Ordering items you know you will be purchasing a lot of rather than clearing a shelf is such a useful tool for couponers! Clearing a shelf means that someone who may not even be a couponer but rather an elderly lady who relies on social security to not be able to purchase an item she may desperately need for a sale price because there are none available when she gets there. Not everyone devotes their lives to getting to the store the moment the doors open on the first day of a sale! I personally would rather spend time with my children or enjoy a hot cuppa joe with a friend than stalk a grocery store, but for me it's about priorities and making sure that my life is centered around good people and the ones I love, rather than if I beat Mrs. Miller to those free bottles of Midol and KY Jelly.

  6. To stockpile or not to stockpile is a choice. There are some that are stockpiling to scam and they return their free items for full cash value. That is what gives these extreme couponers a bad name. Also, when the stores do choose to impose limits on popular items ( and it's seldom done), an excorsist could not remove the evilness within. Sometimes it takes weeks for the shelves to be restocked. So those who only want 2 items have to wait. I work for a food retailer and have seen the negative impact of extreme couponing.
    I do coupon. My kids are grown, they coupon also but only purchase what they need. We are all grateful for these coupons to help during hard times.
