Friday, May 4, 2012

Please don't feed the dust bunnies

"The Dust Bunnies have taken the Cleaning Fairy hostage and Mr. Clean quit on me after the Scrubbing Bubbles accidentally drowned Snuggles in the bath tub...I think what I'm trying to say, is my house is a unholy disaster, and neither myself or my cleaning products have the motivation to fix this shit."

I don't know about ya'll but I'm really tired of having to say "Please excuse my house, it's a bit dirty." when company shows up unexpectedly, or running around like headless poultry hiding things in every drawer and closet when you get that "I'll be there in 15!" text message.

So I'm seizing the moment and making a public announcement: My days will be spent holding Chunk and tending to his every need, playing Legos & K'nex or coloring/painting/singing/drawing etc. with Minion, and making memories with the people I love and cherish. If you're expecting a spotless house free of day old dirty dishes, laundry that hasn't been piling up for the past week or a perfectly vacuumed carpet, you might wanna skip my house!

I'm not June Cleaver, I'm Jenna Lynn - an adventurous and lively mother of 2 boys, who somewhere along the way forgot that life is supposed to be fun and full of laughter, that messes are meant to be made (after all that's what they make sponges for!), and every moment could be a memory missed.

I will be utilizing a few simple principles in my home to keep it "just clean enough".
  • Scrub and Rub
- Every night after dinner, before sitting down to watch those favorite prime time shows, everyone gets busy in the kitchen for 15 minutes. In hopes to get my Mr. and Minion to be involved so that it's less work for Momma, if everyone pitches in and takes over a section the kitchen will be spotless! Left overs being put away, dishes scrubbed, table and counters wiped down, floor swept and trash taken out!

  • Cuppa-joe and a Walkabout
- While sipping on my morning cuppa-joe, taking a quick walkabout thru each room of the house, picking up anything that doesn't belong from the toothpaste tube that Minion left on the sink to the random sock that keeps appearing by the refrigerator. Doing a simple walkabout every morning after Minion's left for school, making the beds, will give me the comfort in knowing the house is presentable.

  • Polish the Porcelain
- The one thing that gives me horrendous "ducky bumps", is when the bathroom is dirty! No one wants to walk into a bathroom at a friend's house that looks and smells like the porta-john down at the state fair! That's one of those times when you're praying you can bathe in hand sanitizer without the home owner noticing! So cleaning the bathroom once a day, whether it's after lunch, while Chunk is napping, or before getting into the shower every night is an absolutely necessity!

I think those are 3 things that can be accomplished daily, by myself and the boys in my house, that won't take up much time, but will allow us all to feel like the house is "just clean enough" for any visitors but we'll still have plenty of time to make memories.

Minion and Chunk have linked up with Mrs. Brooke  @ Get Outta My Head {Please}  Clicky HERE!!!


  1. I wish more people were like this. I feel like some people spend too much time cleaning and not enough time with their kiddos. If you have kids, your house is going to often look like a disaster. Who cares? If your guests cannot understand that you do not want to spend all day everyday cleaning, then maybe they shouldn't come over ;)

    1. One of my biggest worries for many years was that someone would come to my house, see it dirty and judge me. I was scared of people thinking I wasn't a good mom or wifey, that I was inattentive and grungy.
      As you said, if they really care that much, they should find somewhere else to go! lol

  2. I love the way you put this and have found it so hard to manage the house...but ima follow your simple rules!!! Love you already!

    Ashley D

    1. When Minion was little, I would sit him down to play alone and run around cleaning my entire house every day, sometimes more than once a day...I feel like I lost out on some great opportunities to make memories.

      Glad to know my simple rules will come in handy in your house too! Hope you'll continue reading Ashley!
