Friday, May 4, 2012

10ft or 6yrs...

"The happiest families are those in which the children are properly spaced...about 10 feet apart." 

 A quote I heard many years ago as a nanny for 2 children, of course at the time I chuckled a bit thinking to myself "How silly.", but now that I'm the mother of 2 boys I'm wondering "What have I gotten myself into?".

Minion will be turning 6yrs old this summer, and for the past 2 yrs every morning at 4am he climbs into bed with me cuddles right up against me, hums a few notes of "Row Row Your Boat" in my ear and then starts to snore. Our quiet little family of 3 who have become accustomed to our happy little routines and structured by the hour lives, has been turned topsy-turvy by Chunk's grand entrance into the world. I thought to myself on many occasions during 4am feedings "I'm the only person being effected by this negatively!". But this morning after that inconvenient 4am feeding I realized Minion is being effected by all of this more than I ever considered. I found my little blue eyed luvie sleeping on the floor next to my side of the bed, curled up on part of my comforter that was overhanging and with one of the decorative pillows I always fling to the floor. Needless to say it broke my heart. This morning on our way to school I asked him why he's been sleeping on the floor, his response was basically that when Chunk's in bed with me there's no room left for Minion.

I thought being the mom of 2 children who were almost 6 years apart in age would be a breeze! Minion would be old enough to help out and understand that the baby had certain needs that only Mommy could fulfill. I've tried to keep him involved by asking to help pick out clothes, help during diaper changes or bath time, or while Chunk did tummy time; that lasted all of about a week before Minion has decided to have a slight attitude about helping out or participating. He's even told me on several occasions that Chunk "creeps" him out or is just "weird".

I think Minion really just needs some 1 on 1 Mommy time...signing off to find some options, but if you have any suggestions leave me a comment!


  1. Maybe you and Minion can have some one on one time at a park, or even just snuggling and watching a movie together. Or doing things that he enjoys like coloring, or playing with legos. Something that you two can do together that will make him feel special because he gets mommy's full attention. I know it may be hard since you are breastfeeding and Chunk may be attached to you 24/7 lol but maybe if you had a supply of pumped milk so Robert can feed Chunk while you and Minion are enjoying special time together :)

    1. It's always been just him and and popcorn in bed on a Friday night or a "milkshake" date after school on a Wednesday, have always been favorites in the past.
      He's a very independent child, and sometimes I forget that he's still "Momma's little boy" even if he walks around with the vocabulary and attitude of a 12yr old! lol
