Sunday, May 6, 2012

Dear 4am...

As a mother of young children there are certain events that take place very seldom but are never taken for granted:

- Using the restroom [[and/or taking a shower/bath]] in silence...and if you're a magician and were able to get the door closed as well you'd better mark it on the calender so you can remember it for all of time!

- More than 2hrs of uninterrupted sleep.

Regardless of how hard I try, I cannot fall asleep on command. So that old saying "Sleep when baby sleeps." is pointless in my house, because by the time I do fall asleep, Chunk is waking up to eat! The only difference between our nights and days around here, is that I tend to fall asleep sitting up during those 4am feedings and wake up 20 minutes later with a horrible kink in my neck and worried that the baby has suffocated on my boob.

I'm definitely not super mom, but I can last 24-72hrs without sleep, before turning into a raging psycho momma...if given enough coffee and sweets during those hrs! I tend to get a second, third, forth, even fifth burst of energy throughout these days and although they may not last long, sometimes even washing my hair seems to a big accomplishment.

Last night after having obtained 4hrs of uninterrupted sleep due to having passed out from exhaustion, I did something very uncharacteristic, I passed a very wide-eyed Chunk off to his dad! After an hr of feeding Chunk at 1am, he wasn't showing any signs of falling into a milky coma, so I got out of bed, gave him to RL and went straight back to sleep! I ended up getting a total of 8 1/2 hrs of sleep total last night, in 2 large increments! I have a slight kink in my neck from falling asleep a few times while feeding Chunk, but nothing a hot shower won't fix.

Now, if only I could get that shower without Minion coming into the restroom to pee or asking for a snack.


  1. It's ok to ask for help sometimes, mama. You can't do everything on your own, even if you want to! Breaks are nice and so is sleep! It's so great that you have someone that is there to help out before you absolutely go nuts lol. You are doing great! :)

    1. That's the best part Becca!

      I've always believe I could do it all on my own, always wanted everyone to think I was supermom! I might have some superhero powers (which is what my next blog post is about), I still have shortcomings; and what I've been learning is that it's not "weak" to ask for help, it's "weak" to be stubborn and prideful.
